Home » Call for Papers » Yves Deswarte Best Student Paper Award

Yves Deswarte Best Student Paper Award

The best student paper will receive the Yves Deswarte Best Student Paper Award. The paper must be original and carried out principally by the student presenting the paper, and the student must be the lead author. A student who is to be considered for the best paper award must be a full time (as determined by the student’s institution) registered undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral student at the time of submission of the paper.

Award winner prizes

The winner of the Best Student Paper award receives a certificate, prize money of 1000 € and a free registration at IFIP SEC 2026 conference.

Who is Yves Deswarte?

Yves was a passionate and visionary researcher who made several major research contributions during his career. As an engineer, he contributed to the emergence during the 70’s of two essential technologies: micro-computing and packet switched networks. In the 80’s, he developed innovative distributed architectures that were tolerant to both accidental and malicious threats. During his career at INRIA and CNRS, he was a major actor in computer security in France and at the international level. He co-advised several generations of doctorate students and engineers. He obtained significant research results in this area, e.g., in intrusion tolerance and security assessment and privacy protection. He was in particular a prominent advocate of the concept of a “white” ID card, allowing users to be authenticated while disclosing only a minimum amount of personal information. He obtained the Kristian Beckman Award from IFIP TC-11 and Outstanding Service Awards from IFIP and ESORICS. He also held several responsibilities within IFIP TC-11 and the ESORICS Conference. Unanimously appreciated by his colleagues, Yves was passionate about his work and particularly invested for the success of the students and researchers that he advised during his career.

TC-11 is proud to dedicate this award to his memory, as recognition of his lasting contribution.